What Is Hardwood Flooring, And What Are The Other Choices?

When choosing the best floorings for your home or workplace, experts always advise you to opt for hardwood floorings. All hardwood floor kinds have unsurpassed natural beauty and complement any décor, including modern, classic, and rural styles. Any room may have hardwood flooring. However, kitchens and basements require extra attention. So let's move on and understand what hardwood floorings Alpharetta are and what alternatives you can look for:

Finished or unfinished floorings

Finished hardwood floorings Alpharetta is costly but offers an elegant look. It is durable and has been loved for the shine that it has offered for many years. Also, some experts feel that the unfinished hardwood floorings look equally classy and graceful. You must check out the unfinished options if you are on a tight budget. 

Engineered or solid

Solid hardwood floorings Alpharetta is typically between 5/8" and 3/4". It can be sanded and polished numerous times because it is solid wood. However, it is not advised for below-grade basements since it is sensitive to variations in humidity.

To create engineered hardwood flooring, natural wood veneers are attached to many layers of subordinate wood, such as plywood. Because of its outstanding long-term stability, as a result, engineered wood is a fantastic option for any region of your home, even basements that are below grade. 

The most excellent hardwood flooring is made from highly durable wood species. All three types of flooring—oak, maple, and cherry—are good options. Other species include walnut, ash, mahogany, bamboo (grass), and bamboo. Make sure the hardwood flooring you selected was from sustainably harvested forests.

Reclaimed hardwood flooring is an additional choice; you may locate it at salvage yards. Even though it probably shows some wear and age, the price is less than half of what you'd spend for equivalent new flooring. 

When remodeling an older home, salvage flooring is a sage choice. However, you can also look for better options in the same category to get the suitable floorings that will make the interiors look the best. 

Best alternatives to look with comparison to hardwood floorings

Even while you might aspire to have genuine hardwood flooring someday, you are aware that having four children, two cats, three dogs, and a miniature horse at home makes it impractical right now. Even the finest of us experience it.


A lovely, cost-effective, and incredibly durable alternative to hardwood flooring is bamboo flooring. We are aware of your thoughts. Bamboo flooring is comparable to hardwood flooring. Nope. Bamboo is not at all hardwood. It's incredibly rough grass, yet technically it's grass.


You may believe cork is weak and crumbly because you've been bursting bottles for years. Not so! In actuality, cork flooring is robust. They are highly durable because of the combination of binders and cork used in their construction. Additionally, they are perfect for anyone with back or joint issues since they are just springy enough to absorb impact.

Cork is naturally quite environmentally friendly. Since cork bark, not the actual tree, was used in its construction, the same tree may be used roughly every ten years. As a result, cork growers have used the same trees for many generations.


In the past, people used to consider laminate to be only another form of faux wood flooring. And yes, it isn't made of natural wood. Laminate, however, still has a lot to offer. One of the most resilient flooring solutions available, high-quality laminate, is now virtually indistinguishable from any of the several flooring types it is intended to emulate, thanks to recent advancements in printing technology. Get in touch with Alpharetta hardwood flooring installation and enjoy getting the right ideas from experts who can help you with quick results. 

Wood Planks

It is an entirely waterproof solution, insanely resilient, comfortable to walk on, and reasonably priced. Although you might believe you already know all there is to know about the advantages and disadvantages of vinyl, modern vinyl flooring is more durable and adaptable than ever. If you are looking for something well within the budget and can make your floorings look good, then wooden planks are a good option. They are affordable and also do not break or lose their shine quickly. 


Are you planning to get the floorings of your home or workplace changed? Then there are some of the best options to look for. These will make your interiors look classy and graceful. Just decide your budget and choose the best one for a quick renovation. Then, all you need to do is to get in touch with the experts who understand the latest trends and get ideas for giving a new life to your dull floorings. Then, go for Alpharetta hardwood flooring installation service providers and make your interiors the charm of your entire decor.


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